The gameObject which should be passed to SendMessage when making the callbacks to the viewer
The host on which to find the WebWorker script.
Resources for in-progress get requests
The Unity Instance created by the loader; this is used for SendMessage
The WebWorker that handles the IndexedDb requests. Each instance of this class gets its own worker.
Requests data from the database with the specified key. In practice, the worker will maintain a local memory cache, but the implementation is invisible from this side. The id is used to reference this specific transaction between calls to createGetTransaction, getTransactionData & releaseTransaction. Multiple transactions may access the the same key but may not share an id.
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An IndexedDbCache instance acts as the counterpart of an IndexedDbCache Component in Unity. When the Component is started in Unity, an instance of this class is created by UnityUtil and attached to the unityInstance. This reference is used by functions in the indexedDb.jslib plug-in in Unity to make calls directly from the viewer. This class receives requests to create transactions against IndexedDb, and returns their results through SendMessage. In practice, IndexedDb operations are offloaded to a WebWorker, so this implementation is primarily used to maintain the worker and translate between it and Unity.